Asphalt is the smooth, quiet, durable and sustainable surfacing material that has been around for hundreds of years. Today's asphalt is a scientifically designed product. It is rut, shoving and crack resistant. It is the most recycled material in the world.
Crack Seals
Crack seal products are used to fill individual pavement cracks to prevent entry of water or other non-compressible substances such as sand, dirt, rocks or weeds. Crack sealant is typically used on early stage longitudinal cracks, transverse cracks, reflection cracks and block cracks. Fatigue cracks are most often too extensive to warrant filling with crack sealer; they usually require an area treatment such as a patch or reconstruction. 

 Before applying crack sealant, cracks should be routed out and cleaned. 

Fog Seals
A fog seal (see Figure 2) is a light application of a diluted slow-setting asphalt emulsion to the surface of an aged (oxidized) pavement surface. Fog seals are low-cost and are used to restore flexibility to an existing HMA pavement surface. They may be able to temporarily postpone the need for a BST or non-structural overlay.  

An excessive application rate may result in a thin asphalt layer on top of the original HMA pavement. This layer can be very smooth and cause a loss of skid resistance. Sand should be kept in reserve to blot up areas of excess application. 

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